Nurturing Ourselves Through Winter with Crystals and Reiki
Nurturing Ourselves for Winter with Crystals and Reiki
Autumn is a season of profound transformation. It teaches us to let go, just as the trees release their leaves, creating space for new growth. In our own lives, this season can be a time to slow down, reflect, and prepare ourselves for the introspective winter months ahead.
One of my favorite ways to nurture myself during this time is through crystals and Reiki. Crystals like Smoky Quartz and Citrine are wonderful for grounding and uplifting, helping us find balance as the days grow shorter. Smoky Quartz can aid in releasing negativity and finding clarity, while Citrine brings warmth and joy, like the last rays of autumn sunshine.
Reiki, too, is a powerful tool for self-care as we transition through the seasons. A simple Reiki practice can help us maintain balance and vitality. Place your hands over your heart and take deep, slow breaths, allowing the energy to flow through you, bringing warmth and calm.
As we journey through autumn, I encourage you to create a little ritual for yourself. Whether it’s a moment of stillness each morning, a cup of herbal tea in the evening, or a crystal meditation to ground and center yourself, let this be a time of self-compassion and care.
With each leaf that falls, let’s release the things that no longer serve us, making space for rest, renewal, and the beauty of what’s to come.
So how stressed are you?
Please take a minute or two just to think about it, then, score it 0-10, 10 being the worse.
Ideally our stress rate should be between 0-2 but life can sometimes throw us a curve ball or two.
As a Reiki Master a couple of my favourite ways of helping me to release stress is using Emotional Freedom Technique and of course, Reiki.
In 1995 Gary Craig, streamlined the practice of Thought Field Therapy (TFT) to develop Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT for short.
The basis of EFT is in Chinese acupuncture and psychology but instead of using needles, well-established meridian points on the upper body are tapped with the fingers.
Many times we are affected by stress, bad relationships or traumas. Depression, interpersonal problems and anxieties also affect our health. These negative emotions block the flow of energy in our system and have a detrimental effect on our health. EFT helps in releasing these negative emotions and resolving the problem.
EFT is a unique and simple exercise that calms you so that you can think more clearly. Since it only takes a minute or two to complete each round of tapping this makes EFT a quick, convenient and highly effective process which can be used on any issue and anywhere to good effect.
EFT is a therapy that puts you back in the driving seat.
If you would like any further information on EFT, Reiki, Crystal Therapy and the courses I teach please take a look at my website.
he UK Reiki Federation has a history of encouraging the pioneering use of Reiki. Many of our members have a great deal of experience in ‘breaking new ground’; diligently pushing back the barriers in raising awareness of the many and varied ways in which Reiki can be used to harmonise and balance all aspects of life thus promoting self-healing.
The UK Reiki Federation has a history of encouraging the pioneering use of Reiki. Many of our members have a great deal of experience in ‘breaking new ground’; diligently pushing back the barriers in raising awareness of the many and varied ways in which Reiki can be used to harmonise and balance all aspects of life thus promoting self-healing.
As an organisation, we constantly work to drive Reiki forward in other ways too – increasing standards, keeping up to date with relevant scientific research, sharing knowledge and providing expertise. Animal Reiki, Research and Training are key areas where we are currently leading progressive developments for and with the Reiki profession.
We have members working or otherwise helping in many specialist areas and we encourage them to share their experiences and expertise though our members magazine. For example, some of our members work in mainstream medicine and education as well as in complementary care.
A questionnaire conducted amongst Reiki practitioners within each of the Reiki Council organisations established a few years ago that Reiki is practiced in all of the following:
NHS Hospitals including Maternity Units, Cancer Wards/Clinics/Centres/Support Groups
Bristol Cancer Help Centre
Carers Associations
NHS Occupational Health Departments
Physiotherapy Units
NHS Medical Centres
NHS Mental Health Units/Psychotherapy Clinics
Brain Injury Rehabilitation Centres
Veterinary Settings
Animal Care Centres such as rescues and sanctuaries
Charity Premises
HIV/AIDS Organisations
Holistic Health & Healing Centres
Prisons (& young offender’s institutions)
Sheltered Accommodation Centres
Health, Leisure & Fitness Centre
Health & Beauty Spas/Farms
Hair & Beauty Salons
Mind-Body-Spirit Events
Spiritual Retreats
Community Centres/Village Halls
Education – Schools & Adult & Further Education Colleges
Residential Care & Nursing Homes
Local Council Health & Harmony Events
Social Services Day Care Centres
GP & Dental Practices
Projects include:
Special Needs – learning & behavioural difficulties and mental health
Medical & Paramedical (some of our members are also doctors, nurses, physios, chiropodists etc. officially practising or promoting Reiki in the statutory sector)
Drug & Alcohol Abuse/Addiction Programmes + Substance Abusers & Families Support Networks
Age Concern linked initiatives
Mid-air (for crew and passengers) during transcontinental flights
Workplace Occupational Health Schemes
By invitation at World trouble spots
Rough Sleepers Projects/Young Homeless/Vulnerably Housed Projects
Reiki is welcomed by people and animals of all ages from birth and childhood through to old age.
Article from the UK Reiki Federation.
A healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient’s body and restore physical and emotional well-being
Reiki as defined by the Oxford English dictionary is:
“A healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient’s body and restore physical and emotional well-being”.
It is however, also widely accepted that Reiki can be given and received equally effectively hands-off or via distant healing. The Japanese word ‘Reiki’ literally translates as universal life force energy. This system of healing was developed by Mikao Usui the early 20th century. It is a non-invasive complementary therapy that has been taught and used in the UK since the late 1900s, but Eastern medicine has for thousands of years worked with this energy, recognising its flow through all living things. Reiki supports orthodox medicine or can be used alone but is not a replacement for traditional medication or treatments. It is not based on any belief, faith or suggestion, yet, scientific research using quantum physics is starting to help us to understand how reiki may work to benefit the individual. It has been suggested that in years to come it may be known as energy medicine based on scientifically measurable energy emitted from the healer’s hands.
Reiki is given fully clothed in a quiet environment and is safe for adults, children, mothers–to–be, babies and animals. However in the case of animals with health issues, owners should confirm that the animal has been seen by a veterinary surgeon to obtain a diagnosis. Reiki practitioners must not diagnose the health problem.
It is highly recommended that practitioners are members of a recognised professional organisation with strict Codes of Ethics and hold practitioner insurance.
Scientific research findings may help us to understand how Reiki works
There is much to learn and more research is necessary before a definitive explanation can be given, but research is producing very interesting results:
• When giving Reiki, practitioners have been shown to emit electro-magnetic or bio-magnetic energy from their hands. The frequencies of the energy emitted vary from one moment to the next; but many appear to correspond to those that medical researchers have identified as being the optimum frequencies for stimulating the healing process in tissues, bones and other body parts so far investigated.
• The bio-magnetic energy (or field) flowing from a practitioner’s hands has been shown to induce current flows in the tissues and cells of individuals who are in close proximity but this pulsing energy is not produced by non-practitioners of energy healing techniques.
Two ways in which these pulsing magnetic fields may stimulate repair of bone and other tissues include:
• A cascade of reactions takes place from the cell surface to the cytoplasm and on to the nucleus and genes, where selective effects on the DNA have been documented.
• A phenomenon called amplification, in which a single hormone molecule, neurotransmitter or photon of electromagnetic energy has been shown to trigger a cellular response; and in fact very tiny fields have been shown to produce the best effects, suggesting that living tissues are much more sensitive to external fields than previously considered possible.
NB: A bio-magnetic field can also be created by passing electric currents though living tissue as has been used for medical diagnoses and treatments for almost a century for example in ECG & MRI scanning.
Reiki is often referred to as an intelligent form of healing. It is suggested that this and similar energy therapies may be valuable in the prevention and remission of some serious diseases that are so costly in terms of human suffering and likely to be more expensive to health care in the future.
Reiki in Hospitals
From the Johns Hopkins to several cancer centers, Reiki is steadily gaining presence in top medical facilities. Here is a brief view on some of them.
This is fantastic news....
Reiki is reaching the Top Hospitals
by Eugenio Lepine
From the Johns Hopkins to several cancer centers, Reiki is steadily gaining presence in top medical facilities. Here is a brief view on some of them.
Up to this day is still unclear how Reiki works, but many theories are on it. At the Reiki Frequencies post is mentioned the research about this elusive healing technique. Despite this, several top medical facilities are realizing the benefits of Reiki, especially in the areas of pain control and cancer complementary care.
The Johns Hopkins Integrative Medicine & Digestive Center, in Maryland USA, offers Reiki to its patients “to create deep relaxation, to help speed healing, reduce pain, and decrease other symptoms you may be experiencing”. Certainly, they don’t explain its mechanisms but have wisely adopted Reiki among acupuncture, integrative psychotherapy, and therapeutic massage.
The Mayo Clinic is ranked No. 1 at’s Best Hospitals Honor Roll in 2017-18. This is a clear example of an integrative model, where the latest developments and technology are applied, but not neglecting the spiritual and emotional conflicts and needs that might arise during cancer treatment. Therefore, trained and level 2-certified providers of reiki or healing touch provide volunteer services, to patients at both Mayo Clinic Hospital campuses and some outpatient areas.
The MacArthur Cancer Service is located in Sydney, Australia. This Centre is rated among the 30 best technologically advanced cancer services in the world, according to Top Masters In Healthcare. Their Wellness Centre is focused on helping patients managing their own health and well-being, realizing every person has different needs and circumstances, in order to recommend the best approach and therapy. In the case of Reiki, six volunteers are running the Reiki Therapy MacArthur Cancer Therapy Centre.
Even more, the Cancer Council in New South Wales, Australia (a ramification of the national council), provides resources, information, and support among cancer patients and relatives. Here, Reiki is included in the “touch therapies” group, among polarity therapy, craniosacral and some others.
At this point, it is responsible to remember that the Cancer Council (and mainstream medical community) does not recommend the use of alternative therapies as a treatment for cancer. Only complementary therapies that have been proven to be safe to use alongside conventional cancer treatments.
Finally, to explain the reason for this trend is that a cornerstone benefit of Reiki is general well-being, which makes you more resilient and joyful, independently of which situation your life is on at this moment. When suffering a disease, it can reduce pain, shorten recovery or improve the outcome, and could be used along with a specific treatment plan studied by specialists.
After decades of often disputed validity, the effectiveness of Reiki, a holistic energy treatment is gaining new respect within the medical community. Not only are highly reputable medical facilities throughout the U.S. offering patients alternative healing programs such as Reiki, those facilities are analyzing the benefits of their programs and are submitting them for review and compilation. The results of these Reiki research studies are nothing short of remarkable.
A Brief Explanation of Reiki
Reiki is an energy healing treatment that works holistically; on the whole body, mind and spirit. Not a system of religious beliefs, Reiki is simply a relaxing treatment whereas natural healing vibrations are transmitted through the hands of a Reiki practitioner (acting as a conduit) to the body of the recipient. The purpose of a Reiki treatment is to relieve stress and pain, induce relaxation, release emotional blockages, accelerate natural healing, balance subtle bodies energies and support other medical modalities including traditional therapies.
The International Center for Reiki Training has estimated that there are 4,000,000 people throughout the world who have taken at least one level of Reiki training. There are three traditional levels of expertise.
Today, Reiki education is offered free of charge in more than 800 American Hospitals as a means to accelerate the healing process and to alleviate pain.
Why Reiki Has Been Discounted
For years Reiki, along with other methods of holistic therapies were looked upon with disdain, even contempt from medical associations, practitioners, mainstream scientists and clerics. The idea that the human body was permeated or surrounded by an invisible, etheric body of “life force energy” was considered to be no less than nonsense.
These negative conclusions were formulated on the premise that “life energy” fields such as those accepted in China as Chi or qi, in Japan as ki and in India as prana , were “unseen” and “immeasurable” by traditional research or scientific instrumentation.
But now all that is changing.
William Lee Rand – Founder of the International Center for Reiki Training
Reiki Clinical Studies, Improved Reporting
There’s never been a comprehensive list of controlled, evidence-based research that was accessible to the holistic, medical, and scientific communities. It wasn’t until 2005 when William Lee Rand, founder and president of the International Center for Reiki Training and a pioneer in worldwide Reiki awareness formed the Center For Reiki Research and developed what is now known as The Touchstone Process.
What is The Touchstone Process?
The Touchstone Process is actually a peer review method for analyzing the current state of scientific studies done on Reiki programs in hospitals, clinics and hospice facilities throughout the United States. The process of critique is rigorous, impartial, and consistent and incorporates the best practices for scientific review.
William Lee Rand began formulating The Touchstone Process after developing the Reiki In Hospitals website, considered to be the most comprehensive compilation of hospitals offering Reiki treatments throughout the world.
The Touchstone Process is unique. Never before have there been so many worthy studies of Reiki gathered, analyzed and evaluated within a single source.
Reiki Case Studies
The most recent data analyzed (during 2008-9) shows strong evidence that Reiki is indeed responsible for a positive biological response in both humans and animals.
The strongest evidence (rated “excellent” in the Process) was reported in the most carefully controlled of all experiments; non other than laboratory rats. In both 2006 and 2008 stressed-out lab rats received Reiki treatments and they all showed significantly reduced stress, anxiety and depression responses. “Sham” or bogus Reiki treatments were given to the placebo group and they showed no reduction in stress, anxiety or depression.
Testing in humans performed between 1993 and 2006 showed ratings from Satisfactory to Excellent, all suggesting that the benefit of Reiki treatments were positive in controlling pain levels in humans. There were some “confounding variables”, which is typical in hospital (as opposed to laboratory) studies; however, the placebo Reiki treatments in this experiment were by contrast ineffective in controlling pain.
Vital Signs
New York Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Campus conducted one of the first studies ever performed to determine the effectiveness of Reiki treatments on the autonomic nervous system. This “blind, random study” included a Reiki treatment group, a “sham” treatment group and a “control” group. The testing began with all participants at “baseline” autonomic nervous systems levels. The results within the Reiki treatment group showed a lowering of these levels including heart rate, respiration and blood pressure. These positive results led the team to recommend further, larger studies to look at the biological effects of Reiki treatment.
It’s interesting to note that Columbia/Presbyterian was one of the first hospitals to offer Reiki as part of their Integrative Medicine Program (CIMP). The now famous cardiovascular surgeon, Dr. Mehmet Oz brought tremendous attention to Reiki when he invited Reiki practitioners to treat patients during open heart surgeries and heart transplant operations. Dr. Oz is often quoted as saying, “Reiki has become a sought-after healing art among patients and mainstream medical professionals.”
Words of wisdom from an internationally recognized Reiki Practioner and author who had been published in peer-reviewed medical journals
Reiki Passes Tests with Flying Colors
There have been many other controlled studies submitted to peer-journals and to The Touchstone Process for review. Ailments and disorders that tested favorably to Reiki treatment include:
1. Post operative pain after tooth extraction
2. Cognition in elderly, related to dementia/Alzheimers 3. Pre-operative relaxation and post-op pain
4. Pain in chronically ill patients
5. Depression and stress
6. Well-being in Reiki practitioners
As of 2009, The Touchstone Process has evaluated 25 test studies that appeared in peer-review journals evaluating the merits of Reiki Treatments. Taking into consideration only the most rigorously controlled studies, the team reported that 83% showed moderate to strong evidence in support of Reiki as a viable, therapeutic healing modality.
Only one study proved solidly negative and that was for the treatment of fibromyalgia-associated pain levels. As is the case with conventional drug treatments, not all therapies prove to be effective.
Thinking Positively
Despite these findings and the impressive number of highly reputable hospitals offering Reiki Treatments to patients, there will be those who continue to deem Reiki and other forms of energy-medicine as being “nonsensical”.
As recently as 2009, reviews of randomized studies”of Reiki research conducted by Edzard Ernst, M.D., Ph.D. and his colleagues at the University of Exeter, concluded that most were poorly designed and presented insufficient evidence to suggest that Reiki was an effective method for healing any condition.
That same year, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops came out with a statement urging Catholic health-care facilities and clergy not to promote or support Reiki therapy. They issued a statement emphatically concluding that Reiki cannot be an effective method of healing “within the findings of natural science or in Christian belief”.
One can only look to the future of science and the evolution of scientific testing, evaluation and responsible reporting which began with The Touchstone Process to alter these perceptions.
A spokesperson from Columbia Integrative Medicine Program at the New York Presbyterian Hospital (CIMP) perhaps expresses it best, saying,
“I find the practice of Reiki very rewarding, as a practitioner. Patients have reported deep relaxation and a sense of profound healing, after one session. I feel that Reiki is a huge asset for any hospital setting, because patients sense that they are in a truly caring environment.”
As Reiki continues to become “a huge asset” for the hospital setting, analytical reporting such as The Touchstone Process continues to add to the much needed pool of evidence that Reiki is indeed a worthy, effective method for facilitating the healing process; one that can contribute to the betterment of patients everywhere and to the betterment of our health care systems.
by Green Lotus
How does Reiki work?
To some people Reiki is weird, and even think it’s made up, however we all use Reiki on a day-to-day basis without even knowing it. For example what is the first thing you do when you are in pain? You hold that part of you that hurts because that is the most instinctive thing to do, when you have a backache, you tend to rub your back or a headache you rub your temples and when we are emotionally upset we all like a hug.
So for what reason do we do this?
Its simple really, we are made up from energy and we exist in a Universe of energy so when we use our hands to comfort others and ourselves we are transferring and focusing energy to the parts of us that need it. Reiki is the transfer of the purist energies from one person to another, Reiki, (Rei-Spiritual, Ki –Energy), boosts the power of touch.
Reiki is a safe, non-intrusive, non-diagnostic and non-manipulative complementary therapy that can also help you to relax, de-stress, re-balance and re-charge the mind, body and spirit, helping you to maintain a healthy, stress-free lifestyle
Reiki’s gentle energy is safe for people of all ages, including pregnant mothers, newborns and surgical patients. I personally have used Reiki on my daughter during the whole of her pregnancy and I regularly use it on my growing granddaughter.